Must-Have Skills:
- Java 11
- MongoDB
- Node
- UI5
- Jenkins
- Git
- Strong understanding of SOLID principles
- Strong knowledge about unit / automated tests using JUnit, Mock tests, Karma, OPA5
- GitHub
- using SAFe methodology (built upon Scrum)
- SAP HANA scripts
Nice-to-have Skills:
- NeonBee
- Gradle
- Vert.x
- Spring Boot
- Kotlin
- MVC architectural pattern (strong knowledge)
- strong knowledge about automated tests: JUnit, Cypress (Integration), Karma (QUnit), OPA5 (Integration tests)
- Git version control system (knows)
- GitHub (uses)
- NeonBee framework based on Vert.x (uses)
- Knowledge of Cloud Foundry (Destinations, Cloud Connector)
- Strong Knowledge of landscapes setup , how to deal with testing data
- ability to manage highly complex payment processes – with high vulnerability risk, using different payment providers: Delego, Cybersource, Stripe.
- Knowledge about DPAO (will be integrated with S4M and Stripe)